Breast Thermography: Another Approach to Healthy Breasts
As women, we are well aware of mammograms and ultrasounds. We know to do self-breast exams every month and routine screenings begin at age 40, sometimes earlier depending on family or personal history. We know to feel for lumps, bumps, pain, skin changes, and...
The Role Of Hormones & Hormone Balance
Hormones coordinate the continuous biochemical activity that occurs in all of our cells in our body and brain. They are the chemicals that make things happen on a day-to-day basis within the systems of our body. As the body’s chemical messengers, they orchestrate our...
The Transition To Fall
The Transition To Fall Dr. Hilary Trojano, ND Although summer isn't quite over, fall weather is making its way into the Northeast! Fall is a particularly significant season when it comes to health and healing; a worthy topic for a brief discussion. Summer is...
Releasing Toxins from the Body
Detoxification: the path to wellness We hear a lot about the concept of toxicity and detoxification, but what does this really mean? Living in today's world we are exposed to a variety of toxins from different sources that can have a negative impact on...
How to Avoid Pesticides In Your Food
According to the Environmental Working Group (an organization of scientists, researchers and policymakers), certain types of organic produce can reduce the amount of toxins you consume on a daily basis by as much as 80 percent. They put together two lists, "The Dirty...
Your Gut Instincts: Natural Digestive Health For Overall Wellness
As a naturopathic physician, I know that nothing contributes more to your overall health than digestive wellness. No matter how well you eat, if your digestive system is not breaking down and absorbing the nutrients in your food, your body cannot get what it needs to...
The Heart of the Matter
During the month of February, Americans see the human heart as the symbol of love. February is American Heart Month, a time to show yourself and the people around you love for healthy habits and lifestyles. Heart disease is not a major cause of death among children...
Fat & Cold Weather: A Winning Combination!
We want to lose it. We want to burn it. We want to trim it. We want to melt it off. But fat isn’t a catch-all criminal waiting to gift us with a few more doughy pounds. Recent research shows not all fat is created equal, and in fact, some fat is good for us! Yes, in...
Prepare yourself this year with natural remedies that can help you enjoy a happy holiday season.
The holidays are upon us and busy home, social and work schedules can lead to excess stress and anxiety. Combined with cold and flu season this time of year, it is important to keep your immune system strong to prevent getting sick at a time when nobody wants to feel...
How To Have A Gluten Free Thanksgiving!
The thought of Thanksgiving (TG) without gluten and dairy may at first seem like the end of the world. Actually, much of Thanksgiving does not involve gluten and dairy – thank goodness! For example, turkey, sweet potatoes, and vegetables are inherently free of gluten...
Athletic Nutrition For Optimal Performance
Nutritional needs vary little between kids and adults—therefore what works for one, works for the other. But what if nutrition is not working for Mom and Dad? Like the famous Hippocratic adage –Physician heal thyself – most adults could benefit from a review of the dietary needs for the whole family’s optimal weight, performance and activity.
Depending upon where we draw the “overweight” line, one-third to a whopping two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. One in ten American adults are type 2 diabetic and an astounding 35% of Americans are prediabetic – of which 90% don’t even know it. American youth, age eighteen and under, are raised in and therefore mirror the nutritional climate that has created this metabolic disaster. To clear the confusion, and help find a healthy diet for your athletic children (and greater adult community), let’s review some basics of sports nutrition.
Three Mistakes when feeding young (and old) athletes:
#1 – Sports drinks and sugared milk. Sports drinks are an undisputed problem—even the American Association of Pediatrics, which is historically cautious about nutritional opinions took a bold stance in 2011 to attack sports drinks similarly to sodas. They say “Frequent or excessive intake of caloric sports drinks can substantially increase the risk for overweight or obesity in children and adolescents.” (Maurer, R. The Blood Code: Unlock the secrets of your metabolism. 2014, pg152-157.)
But I include chocolate milk too—chocolate milk has 9-12 teaspoons of sugar in 12-ounces—equivalent to most soda. The original research that put chocolate milk on the sports map simply compared it to sugary sports drinks and used a small group of lean, elite adult cyclists as a reference group. The truth is protein helps athletes recover—therefore any protein compared to no protein provides better workout recovery. However, there are more factors to consider for your kids.
Solution: Cook a good meal. 99% of the time, a cooked meal with adequate protein and carbohydrate that follows the exertion is enough to recover and prepare for the next day’s activities.
#2 – Low fat diets. Low fat diets do not make leaner or better athletes. There are only three food groups to make a meal: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Lower one and the other two go up proportionally. Low fat diets elevate the overall carbohydrate burden and promote weight gain, high blood sugar and low energy.
Solution: Literally and figuratively, keep the skin on the chicken. Add dietary fats to your family’s nutrition through raw nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, and butter. Enjoy whole fatty cuts of meat and fish ~ purchase 75-85% ground beef instead of the too-lean 90% stuff and enjoy fish cooked with plenty of butter every week.
#3 – Frequent meals. The recommendation to eat 6-times per day has only been since post-1970 America, when low-fat foods mistakenly became the federal recommendation. The failed experiment of eating more-frequent low-fat meals has helped to create the overweight, over-diabetic culture that we live in.
Solution: Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each meal should have the protein, fat and carbohydrate needed to fuel four to six hours of activity without hunger. The meals that follow athletic exertion must contain adequate protein to assure a full recovery.
As an author and doctor specializing in metabolic health and recovery, I base clinical decisions on data available. But at home, with three athletic kids, let me share with you some practical items from our kitchen:
Three Ingredients for Athletic Success:
#1. Whey protein powder: Add to smoothies in a pinch. Add frozen avocados and nut or seed butters for healthy fat additions to a base such as almond milk. (Make sure your whey protein does not contain artificial sweeteners like acesulfame-K or NutraSweet often found in “low carb” sports proteins.)
#2 Electrolyte powder: In the heat of summer especially, I add a scoop of my favorite low to no-sugar electrolyte mix to water bottles. (Try Ultima brand – makes great popsicles too!)
#3 Multiple vitamin & mineral: My kids take the same formula I use, 1-2 capsules of a broad spectrum formula. (Only use iron if you know your child needs it. In my experience, child athletes, especially young women, should have their ferritin (iron) levels tested.)
To summarize, youth and adult athletes have similar nutritional needs – everyone benefits the most from quality cooked meals after a game or training session that contain good quality proteins, good fats, and carbohydrates that satisfy hunger for 4-6 hours. Stay away from sugary sports drinks and chocolate milk in recovery, and use whey protein shakes, or water mixed with dye-free, sugarless electrolyte powders to replenish trace mineral lost by perspiration. A daily multi in capsule form provides essential vitamins and minerals for accelerated athletic metabolic function.